Dr Ferdinand Thommes
Bachelor in Dental Sciences
Primary studies in Kayl
Secondary studies at the Lycée de Garçons in Esch sur Alzette
University studies
Louis Pasteur Strasbourg University: PCEM1, PCEM2 and DCEM1 necessary for training as a dentist
Free University of Brussels: degree in dental sciences in July 1983
Professional activity
Established in Rumelange since November 1983 / liberal exercise in general practice
Focused on orthodontics since 1993
Focused on implantology since 2010
School medicine in Rumelange since 1983
Dental care at the retirement home in Rumelange CIPA
Post-graduate training
Orthodontic course by Prof. Baudinet (ULB Brussels)
Orthodontics course by Pr Louis Deblock (Nancy)
Orthodontic course by Pr Claude Duchateaux (CISCO Paris-Ypres)
Orthodontic course by Drs Carl Gugino and Michel Delamaire (CERTOB-Rennes)
Internships with Drs Andrews (at LMU München) Burstone and Antonio Patti
Invisalign training (Paris)
Training in Implantology from the SFBSI: CERAIO certificate (Bois-Colombes) and Training in Oral and Biomechanical Implantology (University of Troyes)
Mucogingival surgery, Master Class of Prof. Rompen (CHU Liège 2017-2018)
Master Course in GBR and Sinus Floor Elevation by Prof. D. Buser (Zmk Bern 2018)
Course in implant surgery (theoretical and practical) with Prof. Marc Hermans (Brussels 2015-2016)
CBCT certification (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) with Dr. Bart Vandenberghe (Brussels 2016)
SAPO implant (Paris 2017)
All on Four training with Dr. João Borges (Paris 2016)
Zahnärztliche Fortbildung:Funktionsdiagnostik mit Pr. dr. Axel Bumann (Köln)
Therapie mit Aufbissbehelfen: Pr.Dr. Stefan Kopp (Dusseldorf)
Zahnärztliche Fortbildung: Therapie von Schmerzen und Funktionsstörungen im CMS
PRF training (Platelet Rich Fibrin and Soft Tissue Wound Healing) by Dr. Joseph Choukroun (Nice 2018)
Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Piezosurgery in der Zahnärztlichen Surgery bei Prof Dr. dr. Knut A Götz / Köln 2018)
Advanced Bone and Soft Tissue Regeneration Techniques in Implant Therapy by Prof Istvan Urban (Budapest 2019)
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) full course certificate by Prof Dr Raphael Olszewski (UCL Louvain 2020)